Monday, May 14, 2012



World War II had a major impact on history. Without the Allies Europe and Asia would be in the hands of the Axis powers. The war was started on hatred, power and the want to control the world.

          The pure hatred that started the war came from a short man with a raspy voice who was caught in a gas attack in the First World War, Adolf Hitler. He hated the Allies; he felt he had failed his country, which if I were him I would feel the same. His other reason of his hate was the Allies made the Germans who were poor and war beaten pay for the damages of the war. In my opinion you can’t blame him for the reasons of his hate but you can’t excuse the things he did in while in power. To start a new war he had to find an excuse for the loss of the first, so he blamed the Jewish. Why? I don’t know because they didn’t do anything, yet he proceeded in killing them off throughout the war. This sad excuse brought the people of Germany to starting the war all because of Hitler’s hate.

          Power was a main struggle in the war. At that time Germany was ahead in science and technology, which helped with the creation of their deadly weapons which held power in Europe for quite a while. The Panzer tank which was a military breakthrough for the time was the dominant weapon on the battlefield. It could annihilate the US tanks which the soldiers started calling “coffins” because one Panzer shell could penetrate all the way through the tank. If I were in the tank I would probably feel somewhat hopeless knowing that we were outgunned. Another way they could keep power was using the Hitler Youth teens and kids trained to fight in combat. With the Hitler Youth the Nazis could send these kids to war when they were old enough and they would already be trained. The last thing the Nazis did was made peace treaties with countries then invaded them without warning. Their main goal was total power over the world.

          The Nazis would have had a chance at reaching their goal of world domination if the US hadn’t joined. They almost had taken all of Europe from the Allies grasp. Which if they accomplished world takeover that would be terrible today. If I were an Axis leader when the US joined the fight and started pushing the Nazis back into Germany I’d be really scared, especially when the Allies stopped their final push into France. I guess that is what Hitler was thinking because why else would he commit Suicide. Anyway it would be hard for the Nazis to control the many counties of the world. Also if they did want total domination they would end up having to fight their ally the Japanese, which in turn their forces would be moved to fight the Japanese giving the Allies a chance to regroup and take back countries. So I guess if Hitler did win in theory he would still lose unless he gathered huge armies from somewhere.

          World War II was a sad time in the world’s history. Many innocent people were killed all due to a fight based on hatred. Power and hatred can change people from good to bad like that. This event shows us what to look for to stop this from happening again.  

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